ACTION A.1: Agreements among partners and setting up of the action
One kick-off meeting of at least 2-days will be organized in Keramoti (Greece) at the very beginning of the Project (month 1) in order to plan and organise the project’s activities at a technical and administrative level. This meeting will be organized by the Coordinating Beneficiary and attended by all the other Beneficiaries. Formal agreements will be developed by the Lead Applicant (HSPN) and will be signed within 3 months with all the Beneficiaries. Such agreements are needed to define roles and responsibilities according to the competences of the Beneficiaries as well as the submitted Project proposal.
A detailed plan of actions will be also put in place and used as path-road for the whole project’s life. Revisions and updating will be put in place if needed. Time plan, estimation of expenses, estimation of cash-flow, human resources and skills needed and all other information to implement the project will be set up by month 6.
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
As for human resources needed for this activity, at this stage is it foreseen that HSPN will engage:
- the Project Coordinator will work for 12 days (recruited under Action F2);
- an Administrative Clerk for each partner will work for 10 days (except for the CB);
- a Referent at the technical and scientific level of the project for each partner will work for 10 days;
- the Project Manager (recruited under Action F2).