ACTION F.1: Internal Evaluation, performance indicators assessment, Audit report
The Action aims at monitoring the Project implementation according to the indicators of achievement defined for each action. To ensure the proper implementation of the Project, the connection between planned activities and expected results is regularly verified according to a set of three sub-actions:
F1a. Internal evaluation
This sub-action is needed to evaluate efficiency, effectiveness, consistency, and the implementation of the project actions to allow the Project Coordinator to have an up-to-dated vision on the project's performance and to consider corrective action to ensure the full achievement of Project results. It is also needed to follow and respect the provisions reported in the Grant Agreement signed with the EC. The monitoring is carried out through periodic contacts with the project Beneficiaries through meetings/videoconferences. Each year, one summary report is drafted (in Greek, in Italian and English) to report the progress of the activities. At the very beginning of the project, technical and management indicators are defined to support the monitoring: a) the percentage of implementation of actions; b) milestones, c) deliverables and d) expenses. According to the Logical Framework methodology, monitoring also addresses: a) proposed objectives VS achievements and activities; b) planned timetable VS real one; c) milestones and deliverables foreseen VS reached ones; d) identification of project's criticality and proposals for overcoming them; e) technical and scientific evaluation of the project; f) budgetary and management aspects; g) improvements of project’s effectiveness.
F1b. Performance indicator assessment
The Project Manager, in cooperation with the Project Coordinator, reports on the outputs and impact of the project, taking into account the LIFE performance indicators. These indicators contribute to the evaluation of the project’s effect on the targeted priority habitats. During the implementation of the project, these indicators will be reviewed several times and amended according to the impact of the proposed solutions to be valid for the years after the end of the project.
F1c. Audit report
At the end of the project, the incurred expenses will be certified by an external and independent auditor. An Audit Report will be developed according to the framework provided by LIFE. Each partner is responsible for their expenses through its Administrative Clerk. The Project Coordinator and the Coordinating Beneficiary's Administrative Clerk will supervise and assist the Beneficiaries in this issue (see F2). An external service will assist the Coordinating Beneficiary. It will be in charge of developing monitoring reports at technical and financial level, to certify expenses and to develop the Audit Report.
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
HSPN is responsible for this Action. It commits the following three positions for management and coordination:
- The Project Manager, who will be responsible for coordinating the implementation of all the activities, monitoring the project implementation, ensuring the preparation and submission of technical Reports, assisting the financial management and the communication between the Beneficiaries.
- The Project Coordinator, who will be responsible for coordinating the communication between the Beneficiaries, supervising the coordination of all the activities, supervising the monitoring of the project implementation, and supervising the preparation and submission of technical reports. He is continuously in contact with the Project Manager to ensure successful implementation of the actions.
- The Administrative Clerk, who will be responsible for bookkeeping, the preparation of the financial reports and project accountability, and together with the Project Coordinator, will supervise and assist all the Administrative Clerk in charge for each Beneficiary.
Furthermore, the President of the HSPN Board of Directors, who participated in the preparation and submission of the proposal, has significant experience in administrative matters and will assist the project management board to ensure the progress of the project. He will also be responsible for communication with the EC.
The External Auditor will be subcontracted. It will be selected based on the best value for money and following the usually applicable tendering procedures. The subcontractor will a) assist the Coordinating Beneficiary to develop monitoring reports at technical and financial level, b) be in charge of certification of expenses and c) be in charge of developing the Audit Report. All Beneficiaries will provide information to the subcontractor. The Coordinating Beneficiary remains fully responsible for the work carried out.
ACTION F.2: Project Management
The Action is needed to manage the Project to a) identifying roles and responsibilities at technical, scientific and administrative level; b) guaranteeing cooperation between Beneficiaries; c) facing sudden and unexpected problems; d) identifying supervisors for verifying and validation of reports and information; e) identifying person in charge of financial management; f) identifying person in charge of maintaining the relationship with the EC; g) identifying person in charge of the After Life Communication Plan (Action E2) and After-LIFE Conservation Plan.
HSPN is in charge of the project management for the whole project life at technical, financial and administrative level. As Coordinating Beneficiary, HSPN is legally and financially responsible for the project's actions for the entire implementation. Internal staff is assigned to the Project through letters of assignment as follows: 1 Project Coordinator, 1 Project Manager, 1 Technical and Scientific Committee and 1 Implementing Committee that are defined at the very beginning of the project.
Project Coordinator (PC): Mr. Christos Georgiadis. He acts as technical and scientific coordinator of the Project a) being the referent person for the EC and b) coordinating flow of information between Beneficiaries and EC. With the Project Manager, the PC is responsible for a) applying correctly the Common Provision, b) coordinating projects activities, c) proposing corrective action to ensure the full achievement of project results.
Project Manager (PM): Mr. Vito Emanuele Cambria. He has been selected according to previous experience in implementation of LIFE and non-LIFE projects as well as in knowledge of EU funding Programmes. He works in strict relation with the Project Coordinator a) to coordinate the implementation of activities; b) to monitor the Project implementation (periodical monitoring of the progress achieved; monitoring the timely delivery of deliverables; organisation of Project meetings and development of minutes; development of internal progress reports; internal communication; supporting the Associated Beneficiaries); c) to support the elaboration of the Technical support (defining Beneficiaries’ agreements; collecting and preparing technical documents); d) to assist the Financial management (financial reporting; supporting audit procedures; e) to follow the Communication Actions, and f) to develop the Activity reports.
Technical and Scientific Committee (TSC): it is chaired by the Project Coordinator. Each Beneficiaries will participate with one internal referent. The TSC a) develops and validates the detailed plan of activities (A1); b) verifies the implementation of all actions and their effects on ecosystems; c) verifies and validates the project deliverables; d) is in charge of developing reports and cope with problems and relevant solutions; e) implements plans and corrective actions (if needed): f) validates progress and final project reports; g) revises and validates the technical reports to be sent to the EC; h) validates all scientific information before to be made available; i) develops the After Life Communication Plan and the After-LIFE Conservation Plan.
Executive Committee (EC): it is chaired by the Project Manager, and it is composed by: 1 Administrative Clerk of HSPN; 2 Communication Experts (in charge of Communication Action in Greece and Italy) (E2); 1 Administrative Officer of HSPN (F1); the Director of NAPA.
Project Meetings: the Project Manager organises periodical meetings between partners using videoconferences of face-to-face meetings. After each meeting, one report (minute) is prepared and shared among the Beneficiaries and made available on the Project website.
Accounting System: the Beneficiaries sends financial and technical reports to the Project Manager. Documents are verified before being submitted to the EC. All partners will adopt an analytical accounting system.
Internal Communication: it will be assured using several tools: email, calls, meeting, etc. To guarantee sound project management, a specific web tool of project management is incorporated in the project website. This tool is restricted to project partners.
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
HSPN is in charge of the project management and coordination for the whole project life at technical, financial and administrative level.
ACTION F.3: After-LIFE habitat and species conservation
The purpose of this action is to produce an After-LIFE Conservation Plan for the target habitats and species. It will be implemented during the final year of the project. The Plan will include detailed specifications for the After-LIFE monitoring and management of the target habitats and species. The results of Actions A.2, A.3, A.4, A.5, and A.6 as well as of Actions D.1, D.2, D.3, and D.4 will be used in order to establish the minimum surveillance and operational monitoring requirements for the conservation of the target habitats and species. The results of the D Actions and the management manuals produced by the C Actions will be used in order to specify the details of how and when the long-term after-LIFE management activities will be carried out. It is expected that most of these activities will be undertaken by the Managing Authority of the East Macedonia and Thrace National Park and the Managing Authority of Palo Laziale which is responsible for management of the Nestos Delta and Palo Laziale respectively, however further details on the procedures, parties responsible and financing methods will be provided.
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
The Project Manager and Project Coordinator in cooperation with all members of the project team, in particular the Associated Beneficiary.