ACTION E.2: Project communication
This Action is needed to ensure communication of the aims and progress of the Project, the features and importance of the Natura 2000 Network and the LIFE Programme. It will allow the local population, from adults to school children, and decision-makers to be approached to the two Natura 2000 sites, increasing the awareness on their problems, and favoring people participation, especially in the after-LIFE phase. Additional stakeholders among government and school institutions, tourism agencies and environmental protection associations will be gradually identified at local, regional, national and international level and involved in the communication events.
Particular attention will be paid to the agricultural reality surrounding the sites. Representing this important productive sector of the area of Palo Laziale, the CIA (Italian Agricultural Confederation) will be involved to undertake a process of awareness raising and involvement of agricultural producers (not focused on the management of irrigated water related to the site) that will be able to stay long after the end of the Project.
An important part of the activity is dedicated to media relations, with annual press conferences targeting national and local media journalists, especially those dealing with environmental issues, and engaging local public and institutions. The kick-off meeting and the final conference will be particularly crucial due to the presentation of the objectives and the results of the Project. Participants will receive info material on USB sticks prepared by the Project on recycled supports.
Field visits and educational meetings with the local population and tourists will be organised in the two project areas, in the forest nursery, and other premises, such as schools and universities. Examples are volunteering support for the restoration actions (e.g. tree plantation), Citizen Science activities for the data collection, BioBlitz, Science Café for adults or kids to raise awareness on thematic issues such as climate change, land/biodiversity conservation. At least 70 events are foreseen with the involvement of at least 5,000 people.
Periodical press releases will be prepared and disseminated trough an e-newsletter, containing information on events related to the implementation of the Project or related to its dissemination. A press review (text/audio/video) will be published periodically on the Project website.
Information and promotional material will be prepared and distributed during the events to support the communication initiatives. Brochures will be produced and printed on certified paper (in total 7,000 copies). A small part of the dissemination material will also be produced in English, especially for tourists who visit both areas during summer. Gadgets will be produced with the project and LIFE programme logos (1,000 USB 8G keys with project material and 4,000 pencils).
At the entrance of both areas will be set up two info points in a wooden lodge to support field visits and distribution of the informative material.
A Program of Communication Initiatives, containing a detailed list of planned initiatives and a calendar orientation, is implemented to support the activities. As part of the Action, the after-LIFE Communication Plan (Action F2), including the appropriate dissemination activities to be carried out after the end of the Project, will also be drafted.
Quantitative feedback will be based on:
- number of participants in press conferences: 40 per event – and media coverage: at least 2 articles on national newspapers, 5 on industry magazines, 1 on local television, 4 on local newspapers, 2 services on local radios;
- visits to the Project areas: 4 every year in each country (Greece and Italy);
- visits to the forestry nursery: 4 every year;
- visits to the nursery of the Forest Service of Kavala: 4 every year;
- meetings in local schools: 6 every year (3 in Greece and 3 in Italy);
- other communication events: 6 every year (3 in Greece and 3 in Italy);
- number of newsletters: 1 every 3 months (in Greece also articles in HSPN Magazine "I FYSI") - Mailing list contacts: 3,000
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
HSPN manages this Action through two Communication Experts which are contracted on the basis of previous experiences in environmental communication and knowledge on the project areas' ecosystems. Their main task is to prepare the contents of the promotional material, to develop the detailed program of communication initiatives under the supervision of the Project Manager, to implement the communication events, including the press conferences, and to maintain media relations. The Project's supporters will also support the communication activities according to their prerogatives, capabilities and availability.