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The LIFE PRIMED project (LIFE17 NAT/GR/000511) will receive the additional co-financing amount by the Green Fund, as the declaration form has been accordingly approved. The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature is the project’s coordinating beneficiary and will be granded funding in the frame of the Programme "EUROPEAN PROGRAMME LIFE 2020".

The total amount of additional co-financing is 15.000€ and will support the implementation of the project’s actions.
The total budget of LIFE PRIMED project is € 2,136,775.The European Union Life Financial Instrument co-finances the project at a rate of 75% of the total eligible costs (i.e., € 1,602,581) while the Green Fund has co-financed the project until today with a total amount of € 15.000.

The Green Fund utilizes Green Resources through programmes for funding actions to protect, upgrade and enhance the environment. The Green Fund is a Public Legal Entity, associated to the Ministry of Environment. Its establishment (Law 3889/2010) allows a wide distribution of funds (coming from environmental taxes, fees for environmental damage, etc.) to targeted environmental conservation programs.



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