ACTION A.5: Structure and Dynamics of Wood Ecosystem
The action consists of a forest survey and elaboration of forest indicators to provide a precise and current description of the composition, structure and regeneration of the Palo Laziale floodplain oak forest (habitat 91M0) and alluvial forest (91E0*) in Nestos Delta. Past monitoring efforts carried out in Palo Laziale have identified a forest in considerable decline with also a massive deterioration of the associated habitats. From this, the need for designing this project of habitat restoration. The action is essential to verify and quantify the current status of decline, and to calibrate correctly and to apply the ecological recovery measures (Action C.5).
The survey is carried out in at least 15 permanent areas of study in each SCI (at least 15 in Palo Laziale and 15 in Nestos Delta). The location of these plots are recorded using a GPS receiver to enable repeating of the survey in the same test areas under the monitoring action D4.
In these GPS-located sites, according to a specific protocol:
- all the tree and shrub species present are identified (in Nestos also alien invasive species are recorded);
- measurements of the diameter of the plants with a diameter greater than 5 cm are taken through dendrometric easel;
- tree distance is measured in each test area using a laser spacer;
- the height of the seedlings in the established forest renewal is measured (i.e. all seedlings with a diameter less than 2.5 cm and heights above 20 cm), also identifying the species.
Afterwards, data processing is carried out by the forest technician to define:
- plant composition (percentage of the different tree and shrub species per hectare);
- plant density (per hectare);
- plant coverage (basin area per hectare);
- plant average.
Diameter distribution curves are also verified by applying the Weibull function.
As far as concerning the regeneration are calculated:
- the regeneration index (cm of renovation per square meter) to identify the renewal rate;
- the average height of regeneration.
The area covered by this action includes about 50 hectares of the forest of Palo Laziale. In Nestos Delta, the sampling area has a similar extent and includes the 3170* and 91E0* priority habitats. The action is carried out over the first spring/summer (vegetative season). A final report containing the field survey, the data processing and the final results is prepared. These findings will also be used for the preparation of the Sustainable Forest Strategic Management Plan (SFSMP) provided for in Action C4.
Beneficiary responsible for implementation:
ARSIAL will be responsible for the implementation of the Action in Palo Laziale.
IMFE will be responsible for the implementation of the Action in Nestos Delta.
ARSIAL employs:
- a Technical Officer expert to validate the protocol for data gathering and processing, and the final report;
- a Forestry Technician with documented experience in the field of monitoring of forest ecosystems and GIS techniques, to implement field activities, data gathering and processing, as well as the realisation of the relevant cartographies and final reports.
IMFE employs:
- a Researcher to validate the protocol for data gathering and processing, and the final report;
- a Forestry Technician with documented experience in the field of monitoring of forest ecosystems and GIS techniques, to implement field activities, data gathering and processing, as well as the realisation of the relevant cartographies and final reports.