ACTION  C.5: Management Plan for Water Resources and weather monitoring

The Plan is deemed to define the optimal use of the meteoric and surface water collected by the hydraulic system implemented through Action C3. It will be drawn up based on the historical data and climate trends identified for the two project areas. Soil characteristics, evaporation and evapotranspiration will also be taken into consideration (Actions A3, D5) as additional indicators. Through the Plan, it will be possible to quantify the water supply needs for the habitats and, thus, to define the amount of water that will be released through the hydraulic system. In this respect, weather parameters (e.g. precipitation, temperature, humidity of the soil, etc.) and reference thresholds will be identified and monitored, in particular during the critical phases of the year (spring/summer). This will allow, upon the occurrence of specific conditions, to operate by remote control the release of the water resource accumulated in the distribution network limiting the effect of aridity on local ecosystems.

In addition to the data gathered under Action A4, two weather stations are installed in both sites. The stations detect temperature, precipitation, humidity of the soil and other parameters (complete list and download for Palo Laziale at and are powered by solar panels to reduce the environmental impact. The collected data are transmitted in real-time to ARSIAL and IMFE aggregator systems via GPRS technologies.

The Plan will continue to be operated by ARSIAL and Managing Authority of the National Park of Nestos, in Italy and Greece, respectively, even after the end of the Project.

Beneficiary responsible for implementation:

DEB coordinates the action, analyses the weather data and elaborates the Water Resources Management Plan.

ARSIAL installs the weather station in Palo Laziale and aggregates the recorded data. It will also control the remote command to regulate the flow of the water stored in the underground tank implemented through Action C3.

IMFE is responsible for the installation of the weather station in Nestos Delta, data aggregation and operating of the remote control.

DEB employs:

  • a Researcher for the technical-scientific supervision of the action;
  • a Climate Analysis Expert (external), with experience in the creation of climatic databases and environmental modelling, to collect the data and prepare the Water Management Plan.

ARSIAL commits:

  • a worker for the installation of the weather station and its maintenance;
  • a Technical Officer to supervise the installation of the weather station, to aggregate and manage the weather data, and to activate the remote control for the use of water resources following the procedures of the Water Management Plan.

IMFE employs:

  • a Researcher for the technical-scientific supervision of the action;
  • a Climate Analysis Expert (external), with experience in the creation of climatic databases and environmental modelling, to collect the data and prepare the Water Management.




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