ACTION  D.3: Monitoring of the temporary ponds’ plant species

This action is needed to evaluate the effectiveness of the concrete actions implemented for the restoration of the Mediterranean temporary ponds (habitat 3170*). It aims at assessing the presence of plant species associated with the ponds according to the European, Greek and Italian Interpretation Manual of Natura 2000 Habitats. The conservation actions will be controlled and calibrated on the basis of the monitoring results, carried out annually.

The presence and the cover percentage of the plant species and plant communities are recorded in the belt situated along the ponds' edge (2m inward from it and 3m outwards). The annual temperature trend is taken into consideration as the lowering of the water level in the temporary ponds due to water evaporation, allows the identification of most of the characteristic species of this habitat. These are mostly little therophytes and geophytes typically growing in shallow water bodies and with a late-winter/spring phenology. The most common are species belonging to the family Callitrichaceae (Callitriche truncata, very rare, C. stagnalis and C. hamulata) and Ranunculaceae (Ranunculus ophioglossifolius, R. aquatilis, R. peltatus and R. trichophyllus). Other typical species are Isoetes spp., Damasonium alisma and Alisma lanceolatum, featured by a fast growing and which grow on very wet soil or with a wet phase particularly long. At the same time, these are annual species that need also a dry phase in their life cycle. The oscillation between the dry (late spring/summer) and the wet phase (autumn/winter) assume therefore the most critical importance for the proper development of this vegetation.

Isoetes app. from Palo Laziale (Italy).

Mediterranean temporary pond in Nestos Delta (Greece).

The surveys will be carried out during the spring/summer period of each year, starting after the restoration of the temporary ponds (Action C2), until the spring/summer of 2021. Two intermediate and one final report will be issued.

Beneficiary responsible for implementation:

DEB will implement the action in Italy and HSPN in Greece

DEB employs:

1 Researcher of the Department, who will be responsible for the scientific supervision of the monitoring activity and the report validation.

1 Botanist Expert with experience in the monitoring of flora and vegetation in the context of Natura 2000 habitats, who will implement the monitoring protocol, the floristic inventories and the vegetation surveys, the data analysis and the production of intermediate and final reports.

HSPN employs:

1 Researcher, who will be responsible for the scientific supervision of the monitoring activity and the report validation.

1 Botanist Expert with experience in the monitoring of flora and vegetation in the context of Natura 2000 habitats, who will implement the monitoring protocol, the floristic inventories and the vegetation surveys, the data analysis and the production of intermediate and final reports.



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