The Green Fund with its Board Decision 212.4.3/2021/26.05.2021 co- finances the LIFE PRIMED project (LIFE17 NAT/GR/000511) for the year 2021. The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature, the coordinating beneficiary of the project will be granted funding in the frame of the EUROPEAN PROGRAMME LIFE 2021 of Green Fund.
The newly started European Commission LIFE project NewLIFE4Drylands addresses the challenges of monitoring the success of ecological restoration activities in European drylands using remote sensing data and models. At the project’s kick-off meeting, held on the 21st and 22nd January 2021, participants discussed how this goal could be achieved. The two project's areas of LIFE PRIMED, Palo Laziale (Italy) and Nestos (Greece) are among the six selected sites focused by the project. The Hellenic Society for the Protection of the Nature and the Department of Environmental Biology of Sapienza University of Rome, coordinating beneficiary and associated beneficiary of LIFE PRIMED, respectively, are taking action in the project consortium.
The LIFE PRIMED project (LIFE17 NAT/GR/000511) will receive the additional co-financing amount by the Green Fund, as the declaration form has been accordingly approved. The Hellenic Society for the Protection of Nature is the project’s coordinating beneficiary and will be granded funding in the frame of the Programme "EUROPEAN PROGRAMME LIFE 2020".
On June 5th, LIFE PRIMED participated in the inauguration of the installation called The Living Chapel ( as one of the main important sponsors. The installation is made of recycled material covered entirely with young plants and trees and equipped with a music system generated by water (
Region of Sterea Ellada's experts participated in the networking event held on Monday, September 16, 2019, between LIFE Primed projects being implemented in Greece and Italy.