ARSIAL, Regional Agency for the Development and the Innovation of Agriculture, is a Public Instrumental Body of Latium Region. It promotes development and innovation of Latium agriculture and forestry system, supporting its multifunctional character, meant as the extension of agriculture’s word competences to the management of agriculture and environment system and to services for rural territories. It operates for the enhancement of quality, economic and social components of the regional agriculture and forestry system. ARSIAL, jointly with the collaboration of Latium Region Agriculture Authority, takes care to the integrated service for agriculture meteorology (SIARL) and of the management of the residual properties of the Land Reform.

ARSIAL is mainly engaged in:

  • Promotion, utilization and transfer of technology innovation for agriculture, forestry and husbandry with the aim to improve economic efficiency of enterprises.
  • Promotion, valorization and enhancement of market accessibility for Latium typical products with main focus to the wine & food sector.
  • Supply assistance and supporting the agro-food enterprises wishing to obtain quality trademarks and brands in the European Union frame (AOC, AOP, etc…).
  • Preservation of biological diversity of plant and animal species, assuring conservation of endangered genetic resources. - Assuring food safety, with mainly care to the vigilance on Genetic Modified Organisms (GMO) diffusion.

Arsial is also involved in the management of its forest heritage and in the promotion of the wood industry.



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