Sapienza University of Rome is a public Educational and Research Institution, and the largest university in Europe for number of students. It is organised in 63 Departments and 11 Faculties. The project activities will be mainly implemented by the Dep. of Environmental Biology (DEB). DEB is composed of experts in different levels of plant diversity, who have accumulated considerable research experience in coordinating of a wide range of projects at both national and international scale.

Research and development carried out by DEB group has focused on problems of ecological interest regarding the following subjects:

  • Study of energy flows and of the circulation of matter in Mediterranean and Apennines ecosystems;
  • Studies of global change through the characterization of morphological and biochemical-physiological responses to the atmospheric pollutants and to increase of atmospheric CO2, and their modelling;
  • Evaluation of environmental quality through study of bio-indication and biomonitoring in natural and urban ecosystems;
  • Development of experimental approaches aiming to produce subject maps of vegetation and of environmental quality through satellite remote sensing and field surveys (GIS and landscape analysis);
  • Analysis of ecosystem services, with particular reference to the mitigating role of air pollutants by vegetation;
  • Development and applying of innovative methodologies for the elaboration of conservation
  • Strategies for rare and endangered plant species and habitats at both national and international levels.;
  • Analysis and meta-analysis of plant pathogens movements consequent to climate change.

In addition, other internal experts of Sapienza University will contribute to the implementation of some specific actions.

They will come from the Dep. of Civil, Building and Environmental (DICEA) (A2; C3) and from Dep. of EU, American and Intercultural Studies (SEAI) (D6). They will participate to the project under the irrevocable coordination of DEB.



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